Suggested Reading

Check out the suggested readings below.

Heidelberg Catechism Website

This is an excellent resource source for the Catechism. It can be seen at  It is operated by the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary.

“The Last Things” by Professor Herman Bavinck

Are you interested in knowing what the Bible has to say about death, the intermediate state, Christ’s return, heaven and hell? Then you might find Professor Heman Bavinck’s book The Last Things of some help. Professor Bavinck who has now gone to be with the Lord was a very outstanding theologian in the Netherlands, in the churches of 1834. He taught first at Kampen and later at Amsterdam. Only recently his books on Reformed doctrine have been translated into English. You will find this book in our Church library.

“Sermons on Genesis” Chapters 1-11 by John Calvin

​Preaching styles have changed since the days of the Reformation. Yet the content of good preaching has not. Calvin believed, and rightly so, that sermons should expound the passage of God’s Word before them. In these 49 sermons–yes, 49 on chapters 1-11–you will find no fluff or air. Rather, you will find good, solid Biblical teaching. While you may have used Calvin’s commentary on Genesis, you will find these sermons made these passages practical for the worshippers in that day. These sermons were actually taken down by a hearer in Calvin’s congregation. While many of his sermons have been lost, there are many more yet to be translated. As you read one or another you will learn what kind of preaching made the Reformation Church strong in the face of great obstacles. This book can be found in our church library.

“Son of Tears” by Henry Corey

​The subtitle is “A Novel of the Life of Saint Augustine” . You might find this to be an interesting and helpful read. Augustine, one of the early church fathers (lived 5th century), was mightily used of God in His Church, but his earlier life was a real concern for his mother who spent much time in prayer for him. The wonder of God’s work of grace is emphasized and ought to be comforting for parents today as they see similar pictures around them. The author has a distinguished career as Minister of the Word in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, both at home and on the mission field. Anyone from high school age on will find this a helpful read. 

Study Genesis AND Support the Reformed Reading Room in Brazil!

​Place your order now for a new book of sermons written by Rev. Peter H. Holtvlüwer  of the Spring Creek Canadian Reformed Church. Titled “Foundations: Sermons on Genesis 1-3 ” this volume contains 13 sermons which dig into the treasures of the opening chapters of the Bible. 
You’ll find God’s Word opened concerning:
– God’s wonderful creating work
– The origin of man and his place in this world 
– God’s covenant with man
– The Sabbath Day 
– Marriage 
– The Garden of Eden and its two special trees 
– The fall into sin
– The LORD’s promise of redemption and more!
Suitable for personal meditation or for reading in public worship (liturgical selections included), all proceeds will go to benefit the Reformed Reading Room in Recife, Brazil. As Rev. K. Wieske explains in the preface, the RRR is a key resource centre for Reformed literature as well as lectures, all over-seen by the CanRC missionaries in Brazil and is open to the public.  For more information, visit: